Polling Form (#3)

Discover Your Investment Profile

Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey. Understanding your investment phase, time horizon, and experience will allow us to tailor our approach to your unique needs and goals.

Which one of the following best represents your current investment phase?

What is your Investment Time Horizon?

What is your Investable Net Worth?

The general formula for Investable Net Worth = Assets, excluding primary residence (i.e. investments and savings) Liabilities (i.e. consumer debt, credit cards, and loans)

What is your total annual household income?

Over the next six (6) years, you expect that your earned income will probably:

What is your investment experience with the following categories? Select the number that best fits your personal situation for each category below.

0 - None/Not Recent: None, or no recent, experience

1 - Occasional: You have either (1) bought or sold this type of asset on at least one occasion over the past year or (2) currently have an advisory/managed account that holds this asset type, and the account has been open for at least six months.

2 - Frequent: You have either (1) bought or sold this type of asset on at least four separate occasions over the past year or (2) currently have an advisory/managed account that holds this asset type, and the account has been open for at least one year.

3 - Extensive: You have either (1) bought or sold this type of asset on at least twelve separate occasions over the past year or (2) currently have an advisory/managed account that holds this asset type, and the account has been open for at least three years.

The answers provided to the seven survey questions below will generate a Risk Tolerance Score which helps to determine the proper asset mix for an investment. Please take time to answer the questions as best and honestly as you can and select the option that best fits your personal situation. Your answers are assessed at a household-level, which includes all your accounts, account-types, and your current client classification/capacity (e.g., Individual, IRA, Joint, Trust). Please contact your Advisor if you would like to complete a separate questionnaire to address a specific classification, personal situation, or individual account-type.

Time Horizon

Your current situation and future needs

Goals & Expectations

Your view of how an investment should perform over a long term

Short-Term Risk Profile

Your attitude toward short-term volatility